Lunches brought to school by the students must be dairy and pareve. All bread and baked goods must be made with 100% vegetable shortening only. Please do not send cans or glass bottles. Please make sure food containers are easily opened by your child.

A hot lunch program is available for purchase. Menus and prices will be published on a monthly basis.

Special holiday lunches will be served by the school or Parents' Association on occasion. Students do not bring lunches from home on these special days. These dates will be published in the school newsletter. We try to accommodate dietary restrictions. Please notify the office of food allergies.

If a child forgets his/her lunch, a parent may bring one to the office prior to the lunch period. Otherwise, crackers, applesauce and pudding are on hand for these emergencies. You will be billed for the cost.

A well-balanced lunch is helpful to a child's day. We encourage parents not to send too much candy or cookies. Nuts and other natural sweets make an excellent substitute. Soda is not allowed in (school).